RIM Names its Software Market as BlackBerry App World

“Known as BlackBerry Application Center, RIM has renamed it as BlackBerry App World, which will be available soon with its BlackBerry OS updates. The BlackBerry App World will work with compatible BlackBerry smartphones running OS version 4.2.0 or higher. It will be available for users in US, Canada and UK for the initial release and you must have a paypal account to purchase software from the App World.” via slashphone.com

Solitaire for the 5800, example code from Forum Nokia

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“Forum Nokia recently published an implementation of the card games Solitaire as their latest S60 5th Edition code example. For consumers it is a nice bit of extra freeware. For developers it is an example of an application fully optimised for touch; it demonstrates handling of pointer events of custom made UI controls and tactile feedback.The application, resources and source code can be downloaded from the Forum Nokia website. If you want to install the game to your device download the zipped code example from the Forum Nokia page. You need only install the Solitaire_S60_5_0_v_1_1_0_selfs.sis file, which is found in the SolitaireExample/sis folder.Other code examples provided by Forum Nokia, for S60 5th Edition, include Mobile Paint, Sudoku and Memory Game. All of the applications are provided as-is and are used at your own risk.” via allaboutsymbian.com