“It’s taken a while, but the 32GB Comes with Music variant of the Nokia X6 has finally received the official firmware update, taking it to v20.0.005. The main additions include kinetic scrolling through the UI, updates to the Ovi applications (including Ovi Sync), and a general brushing up of the performance of the X6 which is certainly noticeable in the music application. The wait for this firmware has been a surprise, with the 16GB X6 starting to get v20 firmware’s in April, while sightings of the 32GB version only started at the beginning of this week. Now it’s finally made it to the X6 in the AAS team, it’s great to see the X6 go from stable to really stable. As always, before you do the upgrade, we’d recommend backing up your smartphone to the desktop, whether you use Over the Air or the PC-based Nokia Software Updater. Your data should stay in place on the smartphone, but there’s always a chance something could go wrong.” via allaboutsymbian.com