“BB Torch comes in a black carton box and on the screen of the pictured phone we can see young, sporty people, who, if I understand correctly, should represent the Torch customers as they are seen by RIM marketing folks. A good looking girl is riding a wakeboard (talking on a Torch at the same time?), another, casually dressed, sits on the shoulders of a similarly casually good looking (it’s an assumption ;)) young man against some European looking building on the background. If this is the market positioning envisioned for the Torch (young, mobile people with disposable income), it pegs the handset squirrely against the Android and iPhone – the positioning, where RIM may have a little chance to win even with BB OS6. The initial reports from the field are proving it – news are not good for RIM as the sales of the devices over the first few days are estimated to reach only 150,000 units – to compare, BlackBerry 9700 Tour, released on Verizon last year, sold 275,000 phones in the first day. This obviously does not mean the phone will be a failure – the customer base for BlackBerry is corporate, where the phones are purchased at a specified time period and many at once, so over time the sales should be good. Nonetheless it is already clear that there was no penetration of a consumer market as RIM had hoped.” Read more here:
Android Surpasses Windows Mobile In U.S.
“Android has overtaken Windows Mobile to become the third largest smartphone OS, by marketshare, in the U.S. The figures from ComScore show that in the period between April and July this year Android surged ahead to claim an extra 5% of the U.S. smartphone market, whilst Microsoft’s Windows Mobile dropped 2.2%. Of course this is the now outdated OS that Microsoft will soon replace with Win Phone 7 and Microsoft themselves have admitted to having ‘missed a cycle’ with Windows Mobile. The interesting thing about these figures, beyond Android’s growth, is what is happening to the other operating systems. The ComScore figures show that not one of the other operating systems that they track showed any sign of growth in the time period covered, indeed most actually shrank in market share. RIM’s Blackberry OS lost 1.8% and Apple didn’t fare much better with a 1.3% drop. It is worth pointing out though that the iPhone 4 won’t have affected these results so Apple’s score may very well have jumped up in the period afterwards.” via mobile-review.com