Archos 604 Portable Multimedia Player Review

” I’m impressed with the build quality. Just like the not-so-powerful Archos 104 DAP I reviewed several months ago, the 604 is quite solid in your hands. The brushed aluminum finish gives this player quite a touch of class, clearly exclaiming that is a device that means business. I did find it a touch on the heavy side though, but that should be expected with a player of this size, especially considering the weighty hard drive and removable battery found within. The display, as previously mentioned, is a 4.3-inch widescreen. What this means is that while it is technically larger than the 3.6-inch QVGA (4:3 aspect ratio) screen found on the RCA Lyra X3030, the actual height is pretty much the same; it’s just that this display is quite a bit wider, making it a perfect portable companion for all those widescreen movies you have floating around on your computer hard drive (obtained legally, of course).” Read this great review with videos here: