“Kyocera has announced its M1000 phone. The device folds out to reveal a QWERTY-keyboard, in addition to the numeric pad on the front panel. This is a dual-screen device (inner and outer displays). Kyocera M1000 comes enabled with CMDA2000 connectivity.
The spec sheet of Kyocera M1000:
Internal display – 1.8” 160×128 pixels, 262K colors
External display – 1.5” 128×128 pixels, 262K colors
1.3-megapixel camera
Bluetooth interface
Li-Ion 900 mAH battery
Talk time – up to 3.25 hours
Standby time – up to 150 hours
Dimensions – 100x50x20 mm
Weight – 100 g
The vendor will release it for public in summer 2007.” via mobile-review.com
Open Transport Tycoon for Symbian UIQ 3 review
“SomeOne / Another Guest” is a well known name in the gaming circles of UIQ devices. With a strong line up of games, admittedly mostly reworking classic gaming titles in the legally grey area of abandonware, the titles are usually impressive, in-depth, and free. The latest release is his version of the “Transport Tycoon” simulator. Starting in the year 1930, you have the wide open plains of the world, with cities, towns and factories scattered around. Using your limited initial funds (in this case $100,000), you have to build up transport links between all these points, and have the goods flowing across your country, be it on road, rail, sea or air. And being the kindly capitalistic chap that you are, you’ll be taking a small percentage of the value of all the goods transported through your system as a tariff. Use that for re-investment in the infrastructure to make your millions.” Read more here: