Mobile video and Google’s VoIP

“The playback quality, bearing phone display dimensions in mind, is pretty adequate – no blockiness, jerking, solid sound performance. So Nokia’s smartphones can do well at handling the mobile edition of YouTube. The only thing we weren’t happy about was the content itself, which was merely showcasing the abilities of streaming vide, rather than featuring some really interesting clips. In my opinion, Google is simply getting the users familiar with the new services and along the way showcases the abilities of all latest and greatest gadgets. As time passes by, we will definitely see more interesting events or shows taking place right on the displays of our mobile phones, like live coverage of sports events, news blocks or series. It all boils down to the imagination of developers and broadcasting rights. But I suppose advertisers will be the ones to appreciate the new Goolge’ video services more than anyone else – the only will never miss its chance to cram video ads into any clip, so as to compensate the costs of content purchases.” Read this nice article here: