“The Chinese-language IT168 has posted a picture of a new Motorola’s mobile phone with a 5-megapixel camera by Kodak. According to the source, this is a slider called X PIXL Z12. The new model has been already mentioned as a part of Motorola 2008 roadmap. The company has really reamed up with Kodak to add a 5-megapixel camera with xenon flash. We don’t know for sure whether the photo was true or it was just a presentation based image. At least, we have a slight imagination of Motorola Z12 phone.” via mobile-review.com
Personality and Psychology Pro just updated with more tests and ready for 2008!
” A huge pack of personality test & games presented in a pleasant / funny way. By these Psychology tests & games you can realize much more about yourself and about your companion (Sexual partner). You can analyze your personality and find out what is on your mind.You can use this program to understand yourself, to find more about a close person or to have fun with your friends. You can even impress someone by its accurate results.This program is a pack of:* personality tests (> 1000 ques.),* personality statistics and outcome* games/fun (Graph., text, stories etc)* birthday analysis (What tree did you fall from? etc) * you can set up to 3 completely different users at the same time!…and much more that will make you realize about your character learn more about psychology and of course have fun.–19/December/2007 UPDATE —* New update: Choose a Symbol test* New update: Do you have stress? Stress pictures. * Motorola Z8 fully compartible* PC version: Square VGA.* Minor bugs fixed” Check this GREAT program here:
iPhone Outsells Windows Mobile!
“Apple has found its way into yet another market and this time with mobile phones. The iPhone is really a device that you either love or hate but according to iPhone nano more people love it than hate it. As you can see from the graph above iPhone has managed to secure the number 2 spot for smart phone platforms. This means that the iPhone has sold more phones than all phones using Windows Mobile combined, sitting right behind Blackberry. Apple already owns the market for PMPs and once they update the iPhone with things like GPS they might very well own the market for mobile phones as well.” via mobilewhack.com
Android first look at mobile review!
“The default page of the browser is Google.com (surprisingly), but it can be changed hands down. The Android’s browser supports scaling (tap the hardware buttons), history logs and bookmarking. You are allowed to navigate web-pages with the navi-key or by sweeping your fingers across the display (as far as the emulator is concerned, with the mouse pointer) The curious thing about the browser is that it doesn’t render the main page of Google Maps properly, despite employing PC’s resources for this purpose. This way, the only browser that can display Google maps is still the Apple iPhone’s Safari.” Read more here: