“Just a look is enough to see that the new N82 is … let’s say different. It doesn’t remind us of any previous Nokia phone, has very different style and design-language as a whole. We may characterize it as hate-it-or-like it style and as a whole it is not among the attractive phones. The entire phone’s body is made of plastic, but unfortunately there is a cheap feeling when using it, although the construction is solid. Still, the weight is pocket-friendly, which has been the idea of the manufacturer.” Read more here:
Smart Educational Games for S60 3rd Edition Review
“All of the games and menus run under an intuitive and well-implemented keypad system, where you press the number next to a particular icon to access its function. For example pressing 0 (next to a red X or blue backwards arrow) always exits or goes back. Each gameplay screen contains a row of four icons at the top that have everything you need: Mute, High Scores, Restart Game (which also changes the picture or background) and Exit.Here are the actual games one by one:Math (yes, that’s Maths to those of us who speak English english) is a sort of Space Invaders clone where you have to choose which alien to shoot based on whether its sum, multiplication or division matches the number currently on your craft. For example if your craft says 4, you could shoot aliens with 2+2 written on them.Memory is that good old memory game, where you have to match pairs of tiles on a grid by looking at just two at a time. The adult mode (with more tiles) matches pairs of animals, while the simpler child mode matches pairs of fruit and vegetables. The quicker you complete the grid, the higher up the score board you go.Puzzle is one of those sliding plastic puzzles where you have to unscramble a picture by moving one tile at a time into an adjacent space. There are five different pictures to solve, all of which are rather amusing.Earth is basically a geography test, where you have to match names to particular countries (states in the case of the USA) on a map of a particular region, or alternatively you can match capitals instead. You’re given the name or capital to match, and then you have to select a country by number from the map. This is where we run into the biggest design flaw in the entire game: considering that almost all phones have a keypad, one would think that the logical way to input a number would be through the keypad. Alternatively, they might have let people jump to the country they wanted using the d-pad and a jumping cursor. Instead, we have to tediously scroll through a list of numbers with the direction pad, and do this 30 or 40 times until we’ve named every country in a region.” Read more here: