“According to Nokia software update news, Nokia N73 has a new software version now and Nokia N73 users can use the software update service to detect the new update.This software version includes support for mobile TV (when used with SU-33W receiver) and Express Mail clients. This release also includes updates and improvements to Nokia Maps and improved Java support.” via slashphone.com
Samsung and Nokia to Collaborate on Mobile TV and DRM Standard
“To encourage greater adoption of broadcast mobileTV services and accelerate service deployment, Samsung and Nokiatoday announced they will work to achieve interoperability among theirDVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast – Handheld) enabled mobile devices and theopen standards based Nokia network services system.The handsetmanufacturers will work together to support solutions based on the open OMABCAST standard available for operator partners interested in deployingmulti-vendor mobile TV services and trials in 2007 and onward. “Within DVB-H technology, Samsung has already commercialized handsetsbased on the CBMS OSF standard, and will develop the OMA BCAST standardbased mobile TV handset. Its inclusion in our product portfolios willenhance our customers’ flexibility in choosing suitable standards based ontheir business models,” says Kwang Suk Hyun, Senior Vice President ofAlliance Team of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.”Nokia warmly welcomes the collaboration in accelerating the adoptionof DVB-H based mobile TV services to the market. We see that the OMA BCASTstandard is essential in launching mobile TV services on a global scale,”says Harri Mannisto, Director, Multimedia, Nokia. “Further, thewell-defined service and content protection profiles within the OMA BCASTstandard such as the already now available OMA DRM, provides the ideal pathtowards standardized solutions enabling a coherent and open market forsuccessful worldwide mobile TV deployments.” The deployment of mobile TV services will offer new businessopportunities for companies across the value chain, including content andbroadcast companies, mobile service providers, infrastructure and handsetmanufacturers, and technology providers. The availability of interoperableDVB-H enabled devices and services is a key factor in further opening upthe market. DVB-H is an effective technology for deploying broadcast mobile TVamong the many digital technologies available to deliver mobile TVservices. DVB-H technology offers high service level quality, low batteryconsumption and offers the end-user the ability to simultaneously receivebroadcasts while using other mobile services such as telephony and internetaccess on their device. In parallel to supporting mobile operators launching mobile TV servicesbased on existing technologies in their networks, Samsung and Nokia areboth active in ongoing standardization and technology development tooptimize the broadcast mobile TV experience. The companies will work oninteroperability efforts using the open OMA standard while continuing toparticipate in industry-wide interoperability efforts within the relatedstandardization bodies.” via dvb-handheld.blogspot.com
Telecom exec says 3G iPhone to support 42Mbps HSPA
“A senior executive for Australia’s Telstra wireless carrier has allegedly told the region’s ChannelNews that Apple’s upcoming iPhone revision will be capable of supporting an advanced 3G connection at speeds of 42 megabits per second.”We know what is coming, we have seen the new device and it will be available on our network as soon as it is launched in the USA,” the unidentified executive is reported to have said. “By Xmas this phone will be capable of 42mbs which will make it faster than a lot of broadband offerings and the fastest iPhone on any network in the world.”The report goes on to say that Telstra already has 3G iPhones on hand for testing and that the device will be made available to the carrier’s customers “very soon after its June 9 unveiling” by Apple chief executive Steve Jobs at the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference. If true, the claim by the unnamed Telstra exec would suggest that Apple is building a wireless broadband chip into its next-gen iPhone that supports an advanced High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) protocol known as Evolved HSPA. In addition to downloads of up to 42 Mbps, Evolved HSPA networks also supports uploads at up to 22 Mbps. Stateside, AT&T is putting the finishing touches on its own standard HSPA network that currently offers download speeds of 1.4 Mbps and upload rates around 800 Kbps. However, the US carrier promises to follow through on a plan that will bo” via appleinsider.com