“Screening the market for a worthy alternative of Nokia E66, we almost instantly stumble upon Samsung i550w. It has almost the same specs as the Nokia, comes with a larger screen and costs less. Now, all that doesn’t make your choice any easier. Nokia E66 has much better build quality and looks so much hotter.That said, Samsung seem to have a sub warming up to run against Nokia E66. The Symbian-based Samsung L870 is no lesser looker with that brushed steel hull, though quite trimmed down on specs.The software goodies are also noteworthy: E66 has some extras that are normally only available to Feature pack 2 (and even some that are Eseries exclusive like the dual homescreen modes).BlackBerry and their Pearl series are also trying to pressure Nokia E66 but at this stage they don’t seem to have the ultimate challenger. It’s either 3G or GPS, or some other important feature missing, to relegate RIM’s devices to a lower league.Finally, without the full QWERTY keypad of E71, Nokia E66 is exposed to quite some pressure within the Nokia’s very own Nseries too. With the same OS and Feature Pack 2, the Nseries devices can cover almost all the business applications of E66 and be powerful business tools in their own right.But let’s not keep our Nokia E66 waiting. Next on our agenda is design and ergonomics.” Read more here:
Sony Ericsson Xperia X5 Spotted
“Since it’s leaked photo news today, have a look at these new leaked photos. The handset in the pictures is Sony Ericsson’s Xperia X5 concept phone. The Xperia X1 isn’t even officially out yet and Sony Ericsson is getting ready for version X5? What happened to versions X2, 3 and 4?
Here are some rumored specs:
- 8MP Cam with autofocus and xenon-flash
- 8GB internal Memory
- Full-Touchscreen
- 3.2 inch Display
- M2 Slot” More photos here: