Sony Ericsson today announced Satio which provides you access to all your media in one place – just tap directly into your favourite features with the five standby panels and you’re ready to go. First introduced in Barcelona as the ‘Idou’, Satio puts the future of mobile entertainment in the palm of your hand. You can watch your favourite movies on the bus or catch up with your TV shows while on your lunch break thanks to Satio.“With Satio you can enjoy any form of entertainment anytime, anywhere. Whether its music or movies you will never be more than a tap away from your favourite tracks or shows,” said Fredrik Mansson, Market Business Manager at Sony Ericsson. “Just tap directly into your favourite videos and music with the unique full touch media menu, standby panels and music player. Snapping perfect pictures also just got so simple thanks to the 12.1 megapixel camera, intuitive touch focus and Xenon flash. Share them with your nearest and dearest via your social networking site, produce huge prints and you can even comment directly on your images.”
“Download exciting music, movies and games from PlayNow™ arena to personalise your entertainment experience on Satio and enjoy them in crystal clear 16:9 widescreen format. PlayNow™ arena provides a full range of mobile entertainment available by dual download to both your PC and mobile phone with specially developed ring tones and music tones and DRM-free music tracks and TrackID™ charts from around the world.”
- True 16:9, 3.5 inch widescreen – feast your eyes on movies
- Express yourself through images – 12.1 megapixel camera, intuitive touch focus, Xenon flash and face and smile detection
- Web albums with messages – talk through pictures and share your experiences
- Intuitive full touch media menu – tap directly into your favourites, from web pages to pictures and media files
- Symbian Foundation operating system – thousands of applications available online
- Music player – play your tunes loud and proud
To make your listening experience even better team Satio with the smallest headset on the market, the Wireless Stereo Headphones HBH-IS800 to listen in crystal clear sound. Alternatively, maximise your mobile video experience with the Video Viewing Stand IM920. Satio supports GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 and UMTS/HSDPA 850/900/2100. Satio will be available in selected markets from early Q4 in the colours; Black, Silver and Bordeaux.”
Specs highlights:
- 12.1 megapixel camera, BestPic™, Face detection, Photo fix, Red eye reduction, Smile detection, Touch focus, Video light, Video recording, Xenon flash
- PlayNow™ music player, Track ID
- Conversations app
- Email, Exchange ActiveSync™, Handwriting recognition, Instant messaging
- Gesture control
- S60 5th edition Symbian™ OS
- HD and 3D games
- Facebook™ application
- YouTube™
- TV out
- Turn-by-turn navigation
- 8GB Memory card included
- Colours: Black, Silver and Bordeaux
- Resolution: 640 x 360 pixels
- Size: 3.5 inches
- Phone memory: 128 MB
- Memory Card Support: SanDisk microSD™
Availability and versions
- GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
or (Satio(a))
- GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
- UMTS HSPA 850/1900/2100
- Available in selected markets from early Q4 2009.